特別表演嘉賓 Special Performer
陳明恩Corinna Chamberlain
最出位中西合璧陽光美少女 人氣急升愛哭鬼聶小茜
- 憑TVB劇《老表,你好嘢!》飾演愛哭鬼聶小茜一角彈出的鬼妹仔Corinna陳明恩,要哭就哭,角色鮮明,十分搶鏡,深得觀眾歡心。她於劇中被笑哭到像鬼叫,Corinna自嘲:「我是鬼妹,當然哭得像鬼叫﹗」Corinna的廣東話字正腔圓,2006年香港演藝學院畢業後已經開始拍劇,包括《絕代商驕》﹑《讀心神探》﹑《名媛望族》及《神探哥倫布》等,演出經驗豐富。 土生土長香港人 自喻「白皮黃心」奶黃包
- Corinna在香港出生,爸爸是新西蘭人,媽媽是澳洲人,父母因傳道而來香港。Corinna於香港接受教育,學得一口流利廣東話之餘,亦鍾情東方文化,最愛飲茶吃點心,喜以奶黃包形容自己,白皮黃心,「鬼妹」外表但帶有傳統東方思想。 林憶蓮演唱會和音 蘇永康合唱「來夜方長」一炮而紅
- 除了演得之外,Corinna的唱功及舞藝亦有專業水準。她於演藝學院主修音樂劇及舞蹈,2007年Corinna為天后林憶蓮演唱會任和音,亦試過和蘇永康合唱《來夜方長》,盡顯唱功,不少大型活動,包括「Olympic Live 2000」,也邀請Corinna擔任表演嘉賓。Corinna 亦是一名出色的舞蹈教練及排舞老師。 廣東大碟未上市 已籌備9月個唱
- Corinna 剛推出兩首派台歌《異種》及《底線》,Youtube網上點擊率逾幾十萬。Corinna請來師兄王祖藍幫忙為《異種》填詞, 至於《底線》Corinna則請來香港著名作曲家John Laudon劉諾生為她編曲及監製。首張個人大碟仍在籌備中,但今年9月Corinna已安排於香港舉行個唱,是少見的「未出碟已開concert」的香港藝人。
Corinna Chamberlain, a Hong-Kong born Caucasian actress, shot to fame after demonstrating her excellent Cantonese speaking ability as well as good acting skills in the TVB series "Inbound Troubles". Some viewers have likened her looks to Australian actress Nicole Kidman.
Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Corinna studied musical theater and dance. On top of being a model, choreographer and dance teacher, Corinna also worked as a backup vocalist for several Hong Kong singers including Hong Kong pop diva Sandy Lam.
Corinna’s Chinese name - "Ming Yan" means "understanding and grace". She loves dim sum and jokingly describes herself as a steamy custard bun - "white" on the outside but “yellow” at heart. In her first Cantonese plug “Different Species”, Corinna sings about the struggles of living as a "different species" in a land of homogeneity.
Check out her latest videos on "dancingcorinna" YouTube channel, including her latest song "Bottom Line".
Corinna 陳明恩 Appeal
異種 Different Species MV
底線 Bottom Line MV
鬼妹聲甜(source: 忽然1周)
陳明恩單人訪 (source: 忽然1周)
老表鬼妹認係奶黃包 (source: 蘋果日報)
鬼妹陳明恩出廣東碟祖藍填詞 有得聽!(source: 蘋果日報)
耐心等候演藝路上的收成 (source: dancingcorinna)